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  • Writer's picturearun gangh


A movie, less publicized but amazingly thrilling and exciting till the end, shows the way.

The film starts as a couple goes about their morning chores with their kid when the police come to arrest the husband. In minutes, their lives shatter before their eyes, and all hope seems lost. Then the wife takes it upon herself to perform a Houdini act to free her husband from a life term in jail. The film is such a plot twister and turner that the audience is constantly guessing.

Divya Khosla, as SAVI, shows great range in her acting, truly capturing the transformation of a common homemaker. Astonishing. The gem of the cast, Anil Kapoor as Mr. Paul, is superb. In a supporting role that leads the story, he brings life to any character he plays. The rest of the cast provides decent support. It was charming to see Rageshwari on the big screen after such a long time.

The oft-used but still relevant quote that highlights the movie is, "If you search hard enough, you can even find God." The mind games and tricks are entertaining.

A good movie for an enjoyable weekend.

I assure you, you'll enjoy it.

⭐️⭐️⭐️🌛 AKG RATING

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