First movie which can give any hollywood SI-FI movie like avengers,Batman or transformers a run for thr money,and that too with the HUMANE ethos of INDIA , the movie is by god-2.0
The best part of this sci-fi movie is that it had the real life villan which we live with day in and day out,not like hollywood which given only aliens and demon's as villan. This thought can b made alive by an indian only. A thought which I think soon hollywood will copy.The talk about AURA,its impact, talk about conserving ecology and animal planet. The thought that if human tried to destroy the nature for its silly pleasures,nature will do take drastic corrective measures. It is so neatly presented by the director in such a unboring way that we are gripped in the movie for every moment it is screened,no moment for food or loo break.
This movie makes us think that really is this mobile a help or has taken over us as a DICTATOR. We have become gulam,not even thinking about relatives,friends,leave alone ecology n environment. so we have become villans to ourselves.
But whats more exiting is that AKSHAY steals the show from GOD 2.0,and in what way...he is so into the mold that we are engulfed by his presence,but god is god...sorry cant offend god{ ;-) }. and in the true that these are the only 2 actors in the movie ,rest are just show pieces.
Best are the special effects(vfx). Out of the box thinking like the villan made out of mobiles....its jaw dropping...and at times u feel u are watching a hollywood flex but no its MADE AND MAD IN INDIA....awed and proud of it.
btw wait till the end and u will get a BONUS...
So on a scale of 5 i give this movie 9 and 1/2 AKG STARS...(no this is not a typo,how can i rate god that too 2.0)...must watch ...and enjoy it with full will b fun, n may b we learn to use mobile a bit better...o o I forgot to tell u... Watch this movie in 3D