the biggest unintentional comedy i have seen with such a huge star cast.....its laughter all the way...but mind it...UNINTENTIONAL
for example salman jumps off a racing car in skin suit ...flyies...n reaches batman can do it...just salman can......
stale but angry one emotion faces of bobby n daisy...a salman who is doing the act as if he is stiff but have to do it as it has to b in time...anil kapoor trying to push some life into the act...and jaqline is just for the dance n skin show...
songs are AWEFUL...U MAY SKIP THEM for ur food,drink n natural call needs...
but the canvas of the movie is WOW...mind boggling location....beautiful dresses...n stylish divas....also the do they find so sexy n so many lovly cars together.....wonderful....the car chases...
i wishn u go n watch the movie just for the laugh giggles n fun (unintentional)...u would love it...plz plz plz dont miss it for nsp..and giggles